ENTER THE MODERN LANDSCAPE international symposium, stakeholders event and exhibition

international symposium, stakeholders event and exhibition
28-29 November 2019 (Brussels, Belgium)
MODSCAPES is proud to announce its final event, an international symposium, stakeholders event and exhibition concluding 3 years dedicated to present its outcomes and results, and to explore future collaboration opportunities among concerned stakeholders.
This event will be hosted in prestigious venues across the European capital city’s Royal district:
- the Palais des Académies, headquarters of the Belgian Royal Academy of Sciences, Humanites and the Arts;
- the Brussels Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR;
- the VUB/ULB WeKonekt City Campus at the Brussels Center for Fine Arts – BOZAR.
This event aims at:
- presenting the findings of 3 years research activities around Modernist Rural Landscapes;
- presenting MODSCAPES’ outputs: proceedings of the 2018 conference, journal issues, monograph;
- opening MODSCAPES’ exhibition produced in collaboration with BOZAR – Brussels’ Center for Fine Arts;
- connecting local stakeholders from across Europe: representatives of local municipalities, planning offices, cultural and heritage organisations boards, NGOs, museums and archival institutions …
- planning ahead for future collaborative activities.
The event is open to the public, prior registration.
Provisional Program avaiable here