CEAA - Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo

Research Groups

Performing Arts Studies

With the creation of the research group in Performing Arts Studies, in January 2022, an area of work that progressively gained dimension within the CEAA became autonomous.

The group started with a project, Dramatic Architectures, within the scope of the Architectural Studies group, was later transformed into a priority research axis, in which it was intended to contribute intended to the construction of a theoretical body on architecture and the performing arts, based on common arguments - as space and light as design instruments -, as well as on case studies and readings of architectural, scenic, dramatic and performative experiences. This area integrates researchers from the areas of Architecture and Theatre. The latter, also worked here in their own territory.

Although the group was only born in 2022, some previous activities were associated as indicators of the path taken until its creation.