CEAA - Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo



The Landscape Observatory was founded in May 2017, materializing one of the axes of the Action Plan of the Terras de Coura Landscape Plan.

Currently under construction, the Observatory aims to:

  • Promote the application of the European Landscape Convention, in national territory;
  • Collaborate in the organization of public actions for dissemination and sensitization of the Landscape theme and its valorization;
  • Define intervention methodologies and strategies in Landscape;
  • Contribute to the study and monitoring of the landscape in Portugal;
  • Contribute to the operationalization of the Portughese National Architecture and Landscape Policy (PNAP) 
  • Create a collaborative network between central, regional and local entities;
  • Cooperate and adherence to supranational and national campaigns and projects that contribute to the protection, territorial planning and management of the landscape;
  • Formalize the adhesion to the International Network of Landscape Observatories;
  • Promote the dissemination, training and communication of results obtained in the management of the Landscape Observatory; 
  • Disclose PDR2020 funds, related to the landscape theme;
  • Monitoring of the Terras de Coura Landscape Plan, namely putting into practice the defined action plan, implementing the actions, measures and medium and long term projects defined there, monitoring and evaluating the actions and projects developed.